01. Mononoke
02. Eta Carinae
03. A LetterTo Clotho
04. Hedonistic Calculus
05. A Letter To Lachesis
06. Monstrum In Fronte, Monstrum In Animo
07. The Last Oracle Of Luud
08. A Letter To Atropos
09. Eurynomus
10. Tartarus
I derive a sense of comfort, maybe a bit of sadness from this last self-titled album from the band Lizards Have Personalities. They're a three piece screamo band from Lawrence, KS with a very 'The Saddest Landscape' feel; passionate with a very dark/melancholy vibe. I absolutely love this band, they were a band that made me really love the way lyrics convey this sense of "Life always feels like it's going to be over with because you go through something dramatic; also providing you with this knowing fact that life always moves on if you allow it to affect you". You grow emotionally from moments like that. It helps you with situations like that, the way it carries a very fast-paced yet beautiful guitar distortion followed by the abrasive bass lines; the drumming carries a very distant sound that you are drawn to the dark side of the lyrics. The vocals are perfect for their sound because they carry a whiny plead with a screamed passion for revenge on life. Very talented people, thank you! R.I.P.
Reviewed by Joshua.
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