01. Gauth - Escenario?
02. Gauth - Vengo De Comulgar Y Estoy En Éxtasis
03. Gauth - El Ultimo Día De Vacaciones
04. Bahia - Apart
05. Bahia - II
06. Bahia - Buried
"There is no dispute about a spring breeze, one is strengthened when he finds." It is the title of the split between Gauth (Indonesia) and Bahia (Argentina) bands. These two bands have only three members, a drummer, a guitarist, and a singer. Gauth is a band in which the climates within the songs there are varying. Melancholic melodies, accompanied by lyrics full of feelings. Bahia also leads by almost three minutes to re-listen to their songs over and over again without getting tired. Loud guitars and screaming that accompanies the mad drums. It's amazing how are you take out this split bands mixing the postrock and screamed all emo-violence. Also each band, performed physical copies of this edition, each with its distinct art, both very cute and very limited.
Reviewed by Yura.
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