01. Introduction
02. End Them
03. The Big Computer
04. Stupid Ass
05. Time Is Passing By
06. Dead Friends / Statues
07. She Is A Monster
A rolling wave of noise and feedback opens up dUNA's latest album 'Statues'. It doesn't quite denote the genre-tag 'chaospop' they've chosen for themselves on facebook, but it does act as the perfect segue into the second track 'End Them', which finds the three-piece from Budapest, Hungary executing some legitimately noisy screamo, complete with sludgy ambient segments and explosions into blastbeats and crescendoed bridges. Their vocal stylings are appropriately aggressive and meld well with chugging, overdriven baselines and spastic drumming patterns. dUNA is not a band to hit hard and leave the listener wanting more, however: the final two tracks of the album have a running time of over fifteen minutes and showcase a captivating display of dynamics and musicianship.
Reviewed by Daniel.
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